Social Sciences

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Our Social Sciences department encompasses RE and PSHE, with Sociology and Psychology taught at Key Stage Five as A-Level options. Through the study of these subjects, we aim to equip students with a broad knowledge of societal issues and the tools to critically examine sociological viewpoints, encouraging students to become enquiring and informed citizens of the world. 

To complement classroom learning, students participate in a range of extracurricular activities including ‘Big Questions’ Club and our Social Sciences Book Club which encourage and inspire discussion and debate of a variety of issues and viewpoints. 

Key Stage Three

At Key Stage Three, as part of our RE curriculum, students explore a range of religions and worldviews and also cover ethical and philosophical topics including medical ethics and evidence for and against God. In this way, we aim for students to develop their own views and an understanding of the diversity of views they with encounter in future life.  

While in PSHE lessons, students explore a range of topics relating to health and wellbeing, relationships and sex education, and living in the wider world. As such we aim to equip students with the knowledge and skills to navigate their stage of life and establish a strong foundation for playing a positive and successful role within society.  

Students are taught in their form groups for both subjects.    


Key Stage Three Curriculum - Year 7 (Terms 3 & 4)

Key Stage Three Curriculum - Year 8 (Terms 3 & 4)

Key Stage Three Curriculum - Year 9 (Terms 3 & 4)

Key Stage Four

At Key Stage Four, all students study both RE and PSHE. In RE, students study a core programme of philosophy, beliefs and ethics, covering topics including social justice, forgiveness, religion and the media, to help them better understand the world around them. While in PSHE, students learn about themselves, their relationships and the wider world. 

At Key Stage Four, we also offer RS as a GCSE option to students. 

For more information, please read our Key Stage Four Curriculum Choices booklet.

Ahead of exam season, we have a Year 11 Curriculum Support Timetable in place to further support students in reaching for their potential at GCSE.

Key Stage Five

All Sixth Form students participate in our PSHE and Citizenship Programme. 

Visitors and speakers are regularly welcomed into the Sixth Form to broaden students’ understanding of key issues in the wider world as well as other aspects of life they will need to navigate in future. The programme supports a breadth of topics ranging from politics and international relations, personal finance and sexual health to relationships and safe driving. 

At Key Stage Five, we offer Sociology and Psychology as A-Level options to students. 

For more information, please read our Sixth Form Course Guide.

Head of Department

Our Head of Social Sciences is Mrs Fulford. 

For further information about our Social Sciences curriculum, please contact Mrs Fulford.