Canteen Information

Food can be purchased at – Breakfast (08:00 – 08:20), Break (10.50-11.10) and Lunch (13.10-14.00)

Please note, on the new system: when items are purchased, it only shows the price and not the specific items bought. This way, parents have an idea of what their child has purchased.

Please see a fully priced menu below.

70p £1.00 £1.40 £2.00 £3.00 £3.30
Water Bottle Flavoured Bottle Cans (6th Only) Hot Drink Large Pasta Meal Deal
Carton of Juice Cereal Bar Smoothie Burger Main Meal  
Carton of Milk Cheese Bagel Pastries  Sandwich Panini  
Piece of Fruit Yoghurt Pot Pizza Slice Cold Wrap Burrito  
Bread Roll Fruit Pot Hash Browns Salad Bowl Pizza Twist  
Jelly Pot Crisps/Popcorn Sausage Roll Nachos    
Homemade Cake Muffin Veg & Dips Pasty/Pie    
Dessert Cookie Soup Small Pasta    
Toast Crumpet   Jacket Potato    
  Ice Lolly