Year 11 Geographers Explore Oxfordshire's Rivers with Evenlode Catchment Partnership

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Year 11 Geographers Explore Oxfordshire's Rivers with Evenlode Catchment Partnership

We were thrilled to welcome representatives from Wild Oxfordshire and Cotswolds National Landscape to Burford on Monday 22 January 2024. 

Our Year 11 geography students learnt more about their important local river restoration work, as part of the Evenlode Catchment Partnership, through a series of interactive sessions.

From exploring via a riverbed model how the riverbed system impacts water quality and the likelihood of flooding, to finding out more about natural flood management projects in the area, our students found the sessions extremely engaging and enjoyable.

Burford School Geography Year 11 Evenlode Catchment Partnership

A huge thank you to Wild Oxfordshire and Cotswold National Landscape for delivering these superb sessions to our students, and inspiring this next generation of river and water-quality champions.